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Dr. Sarah Schläppi
Attorney at law / Managing Director / Member of the Board of Directors
German, English, French
Main activities
- Legal advice and litigation in criminal and commercial law for individuals and companies
- Strategic and operational corporate management
Professional activities
- Since 2019: Vice-President of the Swiss Association of Driving Instructors
- Since 2014: Legal advice Radio Energy
- Since 2010: Various board memberships
- Since 2010: Attorney at law with Bracher & Partner
- 2019: Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in General Management, Universities of Rochester and Bern
- 2018: Doctorate in law.
- 2010: Admitted to the bar in the canton of Bern
- 2007: Master of Law, University of Bern
- 2005: Bachelor of Law, University of Bern
- 2002: School leaving certificate with focus on economics and law
Guiding principle
Work hard, play hard